2023 Reading List: Book Club - For Anyone Who Want's To Follow Along
In 2023 my goal is to take my reading to the next level. Many of you know that I read a lot, but the more I read, the more I realise there is much to learn. I thought I would share my reading list if anyone wishes to follow along.
I love reading. It is my favourite thing to do. The ancients have long recognised the value of regular reading, & the important impact literature has on shaping who we are.
I am frequently asked by people of whom would like to read more, what books are worthwhile?
I have read most of the best contemporary non-fiction books, & I have become bored with the excessively, over-repeated American examples. I have also learned that much of them repeat similar ideas in a new way.
Which is why I have boycotted the modern self-help nonsense out there, & decided to go back in time to engage with the classical timeless books that many of the newer books pretty much just pinch their ideas anyway.
See my below my reading list for 2023.
The following books are in no particular order, but I will hope to work towards finishing this year. I will also aim to provide a short review of each series of books once finished, should anyone else like to join me on this journey.
I have also started reading fiction for the first time, which has been a game changer to my reading. I will write about why in a future post. The following list are considered by many to be some of the best books ever written. I don't waste my time guessing which could be worth reading anymore, I simply follow what the experts are already saying.
Completed To Date:
Harry Potter - Philsopher Stone
Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter - Prizoner of Azkaban
Steven Pressfield - The War of Art
Epictetus - The Handbook
In Progress:
Epictetus - The Discourses
Harry Potter - The Goblet of Fire
Plato - The Republic
Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Idiot
Harry Potter - Order of The Phoenix
Harry Potter - The Half Blood Prince
Harry Potter - The Deathly Hollows
Tolkein - The Hobbit
Tolkein - The Lord of the Rings Series
CS Lewis - Narnia Series
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Brothers Karamazov
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
Robert Greene - Law of Nature
Rick Rubin - The Creative Act
Frederick Nietzsche - Beyond Good & Evil
Stephen King - On Writing
Niccolo Machiavelli - The Prince
Anne Frank - Diary of a Young Girl
William Shirer - Rise & Fall of the Third Reich
If anyone chooses to follow me on this journey, even if selecting a few of the above to get you started this year, I would love to hear your thoughts & progress. I can promise you, having already engaged with many of the authors included above, that your world as it relates to philosophy & human psychology, will be significantly enriched.
Much love,
Nice list mate! If it's tje ancients you like then have you read homers odyssey? The heart of darkness by joseph conrad is also a great little read mate.
Took a break for the Lord of the rings audio book to finish the book you recommended me by Victor frankl and I'm glad that I did. very interesting read.
I am currently also reading the first in the witcher series which I am also really enjoying!